Thursday, January 7, 2016

World’s Biggest Problems

1. Terrorism.
Terrorism is striking fear in the hearts of millions of people around the world as senseless bombings and shootings are coming from a terrorist group ISIS. Since terrorism is just an idea, I can’t think of a sensible solution to this problem other than find the leaders of the organization and kill them and hope that this causes the group to disperse or be weakened.

2. Poverty.
Poverty is a global issue that is definitely one of the worlds biggest problems. Thousands of people, including children, die every day because of starvation and living in poverty. Some ways to end poverty would be to teach people/countries how to grow food in abundance like we do in America.

3. Racism.
Racism is a growing problem, especially in the United States with campaigns like Black Lives Matter. I think that ALL lives matter and the only way to cancel out racism is to realize this, and become more united.

4. Hunger.
This goes along with poverty, but millions of people die from starvation, and this is a huge global problem. While Americans are throwing away food other people are starving to death. Like I suggested previously, the solution to this is getting food to those that are hungry.

5. Language barrier.
Many people who immigrate are having trouble getting jobs they deserve due to language barriers. I feel that we could fix this problem by having mandatory language classes for the country in which you travel to.

6. Homeless.
This is a huge problem world wide. Shelter is a necessity and millions of people go without it. I know there are already steps to solve this problem, but more housing and information to reach the homeless could possibly help ease this problem, as well as building shelter for third world countries.

7. Lack of Education.
Education is extremely important for people to not only grow but prosper. A way we could fix this lack of education is by building schools in countries that don’t have them, and requiring more from people who do have the ability to go to school

8. Water Problems.
Millions of people around the world don’t have access to clean water, which is a huge global problem. We need to create more machines that can clean this water, or massive desalinators to use ocean water to supply these people who are suffering from lack of water.

9. Global Warming.
With the rise in pollution, there is a lot of evidence leading to global warming. In order to fix this problem we would have to cut down on pollution and create higher standards for pollution control.

10. Pollution.
This goes along with global warming, but is a serious problem in itself. We are destroying our planet by pumping pollution into the atmosphere. We need to put strict regulations on our pollution policies to avoid further problems.


  1. Keifer,

    Out of the ten problems that you posted, we had five that were exactly the same (if not very similar). Even in the solutions, we thought alike. I don't know how I didn't think of terrorism, but for some reason thought of sex trafficking instead. I guess I've been watching too much Law and Order Special Victims Unit...

    Essentially, what we both did is outline problems that nature has, problems that big groups have, and then we singled out more specific social issues. If you want to take a look at my post, here's the link:

    I would only look at it just for the pictures because the writing is pretty boring - don't say I didn't warn you.

    Well...I think this is 60 words.

    P.S. I beat you on the leader board for Yellow Dig. Yeah, I said it

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Terrorism it is sad to say but has been around all through our history, and the worst part is that it is one of the toughest issues to stop. I however agree with your solution, I believe that finding the source of this hateful rebellion and putting to an end. World peace almost seems like a thing of the past, but I still have hope that we can put these awful times behind us soon enough.

    Link of my blog, check it out!
