Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bug List: 20 things that bug me

1. Bug: The traffic in Gainesville during rush hour is outrageous. What usually takes me 10 minutes to get from point A to point B can take up to 30 minutes.
Why: The roads aren’t built properly to have this many residents all driving at once.

2. Bug: When someone texts me late at night and my phone is off silent because I use it as an alarm to wake up.
Why: There is no sleep mode where you can keep texts on silent but have your alarm still be loud instead of just vibrating.

3. Bug: People who chew food with their mouth open.
Why: Its rude and obnoxious.

4. Bug: People who lie to make you believe they are somebody that they are not.
Why: Its deceitful, and once you lie I can never trust you again.

5. Bug: People who snore loudly.
Why: It keeps me from getting my beauty sleep!

6.Bug: Body odor.
Why: This ones self explanatory. :)

7. Bug: When toothpaste isn’t squeezed properly from the bottom and the tube gets all twisted up.
Why: it makes it hard to get the toothpaste out and eventually I just throw away a tube that still has toothpaste in it.

8. Bug: Dogs that don’t stop barking.
Why: It gives me a headache and is annoying.

9. Bug: When people are overweight and don’t make an attempt to change it.
Why: Your physical health is extremely important and should be taken seriously.

10. Bug: Borrowed items never getting returned.
Why: All of my friends borrow stuff from me and I never get it back.

11. Bug: Running out of gas.
Why: I know this is the drivers fault, but running out of gas is such a stressful thing.

12. Bug: Taxes
Why: I feel like all my money is gone before I even get my paycheck.

13. Bug: Having to wait at a red light when there are no cars coming.
Why: I’m very impatient and value my time, so sitting there for no reason bothers me.

14. Bug: Delayed Plane departures.
Why: Again, I’m very impatient and I dislike having to wait around because my plane is late.

15. Bug: People not cleaning up after there animals.
Why: Its extremely unpleasant to step in a pile of dog poop.

16. Bug: Co-workers who don’t do there job properly and then you have to make up for it.
Why: It’s unfair! You do more work and get paid the same.

17. Bug: Slow internet
Why: I can’t stand when my computer isn’t running properly and I have important things I need to do.

18. Bug: People who drive slow in the left lane on the highway.
Why: Get over if you’re going to drive under the speed limit!

19. Bug: The fact that all my friends are alcoholics.
Why: It’s ok to go out and drink but getting black out drunk 5 days of the week is overkill.

20. Bug: When people display affection in public.
Why: It’s gross to see a couple making out in public.

Coming up with these 20 bugs is relatively difficult and took some time to think about. Mainly because I’m not a complainer and this whole post is basically one big complaint about things I dislike. Also, I’m not wired to think like that, and try to look at the positives instead of things I dislike. However, I see how the entrepreneurial competency of opportunity identification fits in here. If you can find unmet needs and find a way to meet these needs, you have yourself a good business venture and a way to potentially help people.


  1. Nice post, Keifer. Barking dogs kill me, too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can definitely relate to the 1st bug, Gainesville Rush Hour is unbelievably terrible. Most of these bugs are definitely something I can relate with and didn't even realize that they were things I could list. The one thing that will define me on the bug list better than anything is the Slow internet, for a producer and gamer, it is the worst thing that you would have to deal with because both of these things are better enhanced with usage of the internet.
