Friday, January 15, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

Top 5 Problems:
1. Poverty
2. Terrorism
3. Water
4. Global Warming
5. Lack of education

Top 5 solutions:
1. Water
2. Lack of Education
3. Global Warming
4. Poverty
5. Terrorism

I selected poverty as my top problem from my list out of five because the majority of the world lives in poverty. Third world countries are living on pennies a day and thousands die from starvation. I feel like this is the biggest problem in the world

I selected that finding a solution to lack of water would be easiest out of the top 5 world problems. I feel that finding ways to desalinate ocean water at a mass scale wouldn't be that hard since we already know the technology. And the fact that the majority of the world is covered with salt water, we should never have a problem with running out. Also, we could supply countries that don't have clean water with this water.


  1. Nice work! I agree, poverty is definitely one of our world's biggest problems. When doing this assignment I had a bad habit of only thinking of problems in America instead of all over the world. All of your problems are worldwide though, that's awesome. It's also really sad that it would be so easy to help the oceans yet very little is done. Nice work overall though, I think you really covered the most important problems in our world.
    Here's the link to my own post:

  2. Your lists and reasons behind your orders have been well thought out. I did not place poverty as the highest thing on my list. I thought terrorism was more important, but I can understand how poverty can be the top problem. It is difficult to rate these problems based on which one is more important, because I believe they are all extremely important and we need solutions for all of them. I agree with your water solution as being the easiest to implement, and also with the fact that we really should not ever run out of water. Overall, I I enjoyed comparing your list to mine, and figuring out why some problem might be placed higher in terms of priority than another one. If you would like to view my rank ordering the link is below.
