Tuesday, January 5, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

My interest in Entrepreneurship stems from the first time I knowingly met an entrepreneur. My sophomore year in high school I started hanging out with a kid named Austin, and little did I know Austin’s family was very wealthy. One day he invited me over to his house to hang out and when I arrived his house was easily four time the size of any of my other friends. I was amazed and had no idea he had wealthy parents. As i got to know him and his family better I found out that his dad is an entrepreneur and owns his own Telecommunications company, and thats the source of his wealth. The thought of owning your own company, not having a boss, and making more than the average American interested me, but I know its not all about the money. That is why I enrolled in ENT3003, to learn the process of entrepreneurship and better understand the mindset behind it. While I could use entrepreneurship to own a business, I could also use the principles of entrepreneurship to benefit others and give back to my community.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing you entrepreneurship story Keifer. I agree that sometimes we don’t realize the amount of entrepreneurs around us in our everyday life. I recently found out that someone I have known for a long time owns four businesses and hopes to expand in the future! I hope that I too can learn the mindset behind entrepreneurship in this course and look forward to everything we will learn in this semester. Check out my entrepreneurship story at this link here: http://buschuf.blogspot.com/2016/01/my-entrepreneurship-story.html

  2. I have to agree with you on the motivation to start your own business. Being at the top of the totem pole definitely sounds exciting. Plus you get to do something you really enjoy, rather than having to do things just because someone else tells you to. From what I've seen so far in this class is should do a pretty good job of exposing us to the mindset and thought processes we need to work on in order to be successful entrepreneurs. Here's a link to my entrepreneurship story if you're interested, http://thegarrick.blogspot.com/2016/01/my-entrepreneurship-story.html.
