1. The thing that stood out to me the most in this chapter was the “Most Common Idea Killers.” It’s just a short list of phrases that people say that kill ideas, and the reason why it was such a surprise to me is because I’ve literally heard every single one. From phrases like “where do you get these weird ideas?” to “I don’t see anything wrong with the way we’re doing it now.” It’s that type of thinking that kills creativity!
2. One thing in the chapter that confused me was the Critical Thinking Process chart. It’s five squares labeled creative process, incubation, ideas, evaluation and implementation, and knowledge accumulation. An arrow points from creative process to all of the squares and then they are all linked on the outside, and there isn’t much explanation about the chart to explain.
3. One question I would ask the author is to explain the Critical Thinking Process Chart better. I also would ask him to elaborate more on table 5.4 that pertains to the two brain hemispheres.
4. I don’t disagree with anything in Chapter 5. Kuratko’s ideas on creativity and innovation are very unique and interesting and I don’t think there was anything wrong with the ideas displayed.
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