Monday, February 1, 2016

Elevator Pitch No.1

1. The opportunity I saw was focusing in today’s society for college students. There is a high over diagnosis of ADD and ADHD where college students get prescribed adderall to help them study.
2. The solution I came up with was MentalEdge, a study aid supplement that pertains to college students, with ingredients that increase focus and sharpen attention.


  1. Hey Keifer. Nice work on your elevator pitch. In my opinion, you delivered your idea in a clear, concise, and professional manner. I really like how much planning and research you put into this assignment. Your ideas sounded very well put together and your plan sounded really solid. Overall, great job on this assignment and keep up the good work.

  2. I like how you were able to pitch the idea as far as the general direction with the product. However, it really sounded like you had memorized a commercial script and it felt a little unnatural. I would've really liked if you had gone into a little bit more detail bout the product itself as well. Still a good, confident pitch though.

  3. Hi! Your pitch was very well organized and you transitioned smoothly from each topic to the next. Great job. I would like to know what makes your product stand out from the other products like yours on the market. You what your product does not have, caffeine and rice powder, but you didn't state what makes it stand out. Maybe focus on this aspect next time! I relaize I didn't really do this either...Here is a link to my elevator pitch:

  4. Hey Keifer,
    Nice job on your elevator pitch. You had a great posture, spoke confidently, and presented your ideas clearly. If I was an investor, I would definitely have been motivated by your sales pitch. Very good job, keep up the good work. Unfortunately I was unable to do this assignment as I was very sick last week. But if you would like to check out other posts on my blog the link is below.

  5. Hey Keifer,
    I really liked your elevator pitch and the idea was great. Using the market of college students and media college students use such as Amazon and others will really help set this apart from other products. Maybe making the supplement all natural or organic will help sell more product to millennials and college students. Thank you for the elevator pitch watch mine here.

  6. Hello Keifer, I thought your elevator speech was very well made. You kept it professional, short, and described in detail the method you'd market your product. I was impressed how thought out your idea was; if you’re seriously considering marketing this supplement I’d make sure to address all the health and safety risks I’m sure the FDA will tie you back with. But overall, good job!

    Checkout my pitch:
