Monday, February 15, 2016

The Twenty Percent

I decided to talk to the same gentleman who I did my entrepreneur interview with. Mr. Wilburn is the owner of Team Dynamo, a residential real estate team.

1. His target customers are anybody looking to buy or sell a home in the Alachua county area. His demographics are usually couples, age 25 or over and who are ready to buy a home. Since Mr. Wilburn has been in business for close to 15 years, 95% of his clients are referrals from past clients. The customers “problem” is really just not knowing the route to becoming a home owner, or they just want help with the process of buying or selling their home.

2. 3 people that I talked to that are either looking to become home owners, or have bought and sold homes in the past, say they use realtors simply for convenience and helping with the process.

3. While this business is slightly different, since it is a service business, I’d say that Mr. Wilburn does correctly know his customers problems and how to help them. Anyone who has 95% of his clients come from referrals must be doing something right, and he clearly goes above and beyond to help clients with their needs.


  1. Hey Keifer! I really wish you posted the interviews on your post! I would have liked to see/hear you ask the customers specific questions and hear their response so I could better understand what they thought about their needs being met and problem being solved. I agree though that somebody having 95% of this clients be from referrals is impressive. Check out my blog here:

  2. Hi Keifer,
    I agree with Felicia; I would have liked to see the interviews. That is amazing that nearly all of his customers are referrals. He is going above and beyond his customers needs and that is why they are doing the marketing for his business. Word of mouth is one of the strongest marketing tool, and it is free. I didn’t get a chance to do this assignment being that I had some personal issues and had the flu. Overall good job.

  3. This is a really good group of people you interviewed. They seem to have provided you with a lot of good information. You're actually the second person who has talked about target in their interviews. It also makes total sense their answers, Target is great but there are always improvements that could be made. I like your idea a lot. If you are interested in checking out my interviews, the link is Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Keifer,

    I also talked with the same owner that i talked with in my short interview. I find it interesting that most all of his clients come from referrals and that must help him a lot because he does not have to go searching for new clients all the time. Like you said if you are getting 95% of your clients from referrals he must be a very good owner and be doing his job very well. Check out my post here:
