Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Elevator Pitch #2

This is my elevator pitch #2. In the pitch I reflect on the feed back from my last pitch and what I would change based on the feedback.


  1. I do like that your feedback was incorporated in your video, which was nice, because I got both in one, but I'm not sure I got your whole pitch here. It felt like an update, but since I haven't seen your first pitch, I can't say if it's better. (Feedback almost always makes us better, to be fair.)

    The rocking of the background as you shifted your feet was dizzying, so I'd definitely consider a way to either minimize that or eliminate it.

    Good luck!!

  2. Hey Keifer,

    The market for study aids marketed for college student is very lucrative. As you mentioned in your video, there are many companies out there advertising and selling these types of supplements. I’ve researched and tested these pills for a few years now and I’ve found that, unfortunately, the only medication really worth investing in is prescription grade stuff. I don’t want to be discouraging towards your passion for this but a much more resourceful place to start for college students is alternative lifestyle changes like meditation and adopting healthy eating patterns. Good luck though! I hope you find what works best for you and your individual passions.

    My post: http://ryangsharpe.blogspot.com/2016/02/elevator-pitch-no-2.html

  3. Keifer,

    I like that you incorporated your reflections in your video instead of just typing it. You seemed to talk as if your were very comfortable and it didn't sound scripted at all, which is a good thing. As for your pitch, I could definitely tell it was an updated version of last time but I think you should still restate your opportunity and then make adjustments as were said from your first elevator pitch. Lastly, I think it may help to use a webcam or have someone video for you, just because the swaying motions were a little distraction and that way you can still show natural movement from being filmed. Here is a link to my revised elevator pitch if you want to check it out. http://wrenmoriah.blogspot.com/2016/02/elevator-pitch-no-2.html

  4. Hello Keifer,

    I enjoyed seeing your video and appreciate the fact that you are digging into the technical aspect of your product. You seem to certainly have a good idea on how you would execute it, which comes across to help in your delivery. I equally tried to include technical specifications on my product in my pitch, which I think helps build credibility. I would only suggest that in your next pitch, you include a full pitch including the feedback that you received, as I would really enjoy viewing your full pitch.

    I attached a link to my blog below:
