Thursday, April 7, 2016

Week 13 Reading Reflection

1. The due diligence evaluation came as a surprise to me. It’s not just evaluating the company’s profitability, it goes through the name of the company, the CEO, the date founded, the location, etc. This is different from my expectations of a thorough analysis of a business. Especially since it is pages long!

2. Nothing was necessarily confusing; it was just a lot of information to retain. Every table was pages long on things to do for analyzing businesses. From a chart for the amount needed to buy a business to a checklist for analyzing a business, it was all very intricate and detailed.

3. My first question would be if he’s ever bought a business and used these principles in real life or if he is just basing it off others experiences. I would also ask if valuating what a venture is worth in the future is really possible since it is essentially based on how well you run it.

4. I can’t deny any information that Mr. Kuratko used in this chapter. It all seemed logical and I don’t disagree with anything he said!

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