Thursday, April 7, 2016

Celebrating Failure

1. While I luckily haven’t failed any classes or exams this past semester, I have failed a significant amount of times outside of the classroom. For example, as a realtor one of the things I do to get leads is cold call. Everybody hates getting bothered on the phone and asked questions about their home and why they don’t want to sell it through a realtor. Doing this, you fail the majority of the time, but occasionally you get people who will let you come out and check out there home and potentially sell it for them. I’ve literally failed so many times doing this I’m used to getting either hung up on or cussed out, and have desensitized myself to this. When I first started doing this however, I was always nervous to call and talk to a stranger that I didn’t know and most likely get shut down.

2. I learned to fail my way forward and never give up, because every time you fail you just get closer to that one success.

3. Failure definitely is hard, and it’s harder when it’s something important. I’ve come to realize that failure is inevitable in life unless you live such a boring life that you never challenge yourself or go outside your comfort zone. I’d rather fail 1,000 times than do the same thing every day and never fail. This class has helped me realize that failing is ok. Also, from reading the Entrepreneurship book, I’ve come to realize that its better to fail when you’re young and don’t have as much to worry about like a family or needing money to service when you’re too old to work. Go for broke while you still have a chance and give it all you’ve got!


  1. Keifer,
    Good job getting through the semester! This class, as a lot of people have noted, was not as simple, easy, or straightforward as many of may have believed at the beginning. I like your Pt.2 answer a lot , more specifically: " I learned to fail forward." I think this is a really good notion, and if more people would learn to turn their failure into an eventual success then we'd all be much better off. I also applaud you for your work as a realtor. As you make known, it's not an easy job and surely the people you have to deal with are no less amicable than the worst kinds of people we rarely deal with. Good luck with the rest of all your endeavors! If you have any time, take a look at my post, which I'll post below. I think we have a lot things in common. Good job!

  2. Hi Keifer,
    Great post! I used to work a sales job that was straight commission, and while I wasn't selling houses I can a relate to you when it comes to the cold calls. At first it is very nerve wracking but as you said eventually you grow used to the cursing and yelling. as my old boss used to say "Throw enough **** against the wall and eventually something will stick."

    You can check out my Celebrating Failure post here:
