Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Final Reflection

1. Reading through my past blog posts, its strange to see how far along I’ve come. I started very weary of this class, especially since it’s not like traditional classes.  I wasn’t sure what it would be like to have a class with no exams, but overall I can say I enjoyed it. I think in a sense a learning style like this is more effective than traditional learning, where I’ve often found myself cramming for a test just to forget all the information as soon as the exam is over.

2. I’d say an experience that I will remember far after this course is over would be when we had to give away five dollars. I was discouraged because people were looking at me strange and didn’t want to take my money, but I stuck with it ended up giving them all away. The experience I most enjoyed was really just the process of coming up with a business idea and then expanding it. It gave me a better sense of the work that actually has to go behind a business. I also read almost every chapter of Kuratkos book, which I found really informative. I think the book

3. I definitely think that by the end of this course I have moved closer to the entrepreneurial mindset. I am much more open to the idea of owning my own business, and while it might not be the business venture I came up with in this class that I end up going for, I feel that down the line I will definitely own my own business.

4. One recommendation I have for students who are planning to take ent3003 in the future is to just keep an open mind and stay on track. It is easy to fall behind so you have to make sure you’re getting your assignments done. Also just to enjoy the experience instead of looking at is as work. In this class since you may have to do things that are outside of your comfort zone you just have to keep an open mind and don’t get discouraged!

Elevator Pitch #4

Based on my feedback from my last three elevator pitches I decided not to change anything. I have gotten both good and bad feedback about my supplement, but it really boils down to putting out a quality product that is healthy and will help students focus while studying. If you watch this pitch compared with the other ones, they are all very similar!

Venture Concept #2

1. My opportunity for this venture concept has not changed since the first concept. Everyone has the need for more focus and energy. Although I originally wanted to target only college students for a niche market in study aids with my supplement MentalEdge, I decided to open up my market and reach out to everyone who needs a boost of energy throughout the day by instead creating a healthy energy drink.  The difference between my choice of energy and others is health benefits. I want to create an energy drink that not only supplies lasting energy but is also healthy. I know a lot of people who will come to work and slam down redbull’s or monsters just to keep themselves going throughout the day. These drinks are filled with not so great ingredients that supply you with short-term energy but are not very great for you. I know that personally, this drinks severely upset my stomach, so I am basically out of the market for all energy drinks. Because of this, I think this opportunity is huge. The health industry is massive, and with ongoing obesity, I know that this drink would be a huge success. Unfortunately, I doubt this window of opportunity will be open for long because the already established, big time energy drink companies have been coming out with alternatives like no sugar, low carb, energy drinks, but if you’re smart and check the ingredients these are still very unhealthy.

These healthy Mental Edge energy drinks I plan on selling for a competitive price of  $2 per can. The problem with this is being able to mass produce these drinks so I can get a healthy product margin, instead of just breaking even. The innovation is basically the fact that these drinks would have healthy ingredients with energy boosting supplements and a lower/safer dose of caffeine. I think if I can successfully manufacture this and get enough capital to produce this product to scale, it would be a success.

My competitors are the energy drink giants like Monster and RedBull which are both very big and successful companies. They have great marketing strategies and a wide customer base, but their weakness is that they are unhealthy for you.  This is the exact reason why I think customers would switch to my product. A few celebrity endorsements, a mixed drink using my energy drink, and promoting the health benefits would also help to get this company off the ground. However, since this business is a sort of manufacturing business, I would need quite a few employees and large factories to make my drink successful and competitive. I think all of this along with my tenacity and will to never give up, and this company could turn from a mom and pop shop to a giant. After I came out with the original drink, I would add new flavors, better advertising, and bigger factories. If everything works out as planned, I would probably sell the company after it’s grown profitable, and retire young!

2. I got great feedback from my original venture concept. People were excited at the idea of a healthy energy drink, and while it is a far shot, every great thing started with an idea. People who already drank monster or redbull said they would switch over because they don’t like how bad they are for them, and others said that they simply don’t drink energy drinks because they’re bad for you but would start if there was a healthy option.

3. Based on the feedback I received, I didn’t change my venture concept very much. The only things I really added were the celebrity endorsements and adding more factories and employees to apply economies of scale. I think my first venture concept was accurate, and that if executed this product would be a hit.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Google Gold

1. Some of the activated I did each post to pursue SEO include the title and labels. I would always make my titles relate to my article, so that every time someone searches something similar to what I’m writing about it would come up on Google.

2. Originally my keywords were very broad, like entrepreneur or lifestyle but later in my blog I dialed them into more specific searches. Like our change in titles to things like “Venture Concept #1” which would stand out more to a Google search.

3. I personally didn’t use social media to enhance my blog and SEO efforts, however I have read a lot about Facebook marketing and know how successful it can be. With Facebook, you can create ads that target certain people you want and for a small price it advertises your blog/product to the target market of your choice.

4. My first elevator pitch brought through the most traffic, and I think it’s because it was a combination of videos and SEO words that brought people in to look at my post.

5. My page did not make it to the first page of google, or even the first five for the keywords I’ve searched for my page. When I look up Entrepreneur Life, the name of my blog, it’s not even on the first 5 pages of google, so in order to make it come up I’d maybe have to use google adwords so that when they search it I pop up on the first page.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Week 15 Reading Reflection

1. Wow! This whole article was extremely interesting. These people going to poor countries to microfinance and give out loans to the poor to help them build a better life is pretty amazing. I would say the selflessness is what stands out the most to me. I know they obviously have to make money, but such a dangerous business with small loans doesn’t seem so lucrative until they build up their customer base.

2. Nothing was really confusing to me. I just think I might have handled a couple of the situations differently, but they handled most of the situations properly. For example, when they were being strong-armed by thugs would it be wrong to bring in authorities or strong arm them back? I don’t know the culture very well over there and I’m sure it could get dangerous, but extortion is illegal in most places.

3. I would ask him where his business started and his story on how he expanded it. I would also ask him if he personally travels to all these areas before setting up micro financing to make sure that they seem somewhat safe.

4. There was nothing wrong that I saw! I enjoyed this article and the fact that they doing business at the base of the pyramid.

Week 14 Reading Reflection

1. I read both chapter 3 & 4 of Kuratko’s “Entrepreneurship” earlier in the semester and they were two of my favorite chapters. I would have to say chapter 3 “The Entrepreneurial Mind-Set in Organizations” changed the way I look at work. I like the idea of intrapreneurship in the work environment. Using an open mind to expand a corporation makes work more interesting than going in and doing the same tasks in and out. I have been working with my boss about this concept and have gotten much more freedom to do what I want, and am even allowed to do work from home and get paid occasionally.

2. Something that was a little confusing to me from chapter 4 was table 4.1 “Classifying Decisions Using a Conceptual Framework.” I didn’t like the layout of the table and the different quadrants were a little confusing.

3. I would ask Mr. Kuratko if he has used intrapreneurship in a corporate setting. I would also ask if he has been faced with any ethical challenges as an entrepreneur, what they were, and how he responded to them.

4. I cant argue with anything Mr. Kuratko said in these chapters. All the information was pretty well displayed and provided me with knowledge on social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in the work place.