Thursday, March 3, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 2

1. My name is Keifer McClain and I’m an aspiring entrepreneur. I’m talented at math and work as a financial administrator. I’ve worked in fields including real estate and finance and aspire to create a product that helps people and makes their lives easier. If I start this business, I see it playing a major role in my life simply because of the time it takes to create a successful company. Also, I’d be a personal user of my product so that would be a definite benefit.

2. I am offering customers a natural study aid that will help them maintain focus and increase mental dexterity that can be given over the counter instead of prescription. This product would be for students or people like me, who just have a hard time focusing.

3. My product, like described in the last question, could be used by literally anyone who needs mental focus to succeed including students, white collar workers, or anybody that needs brain power. For example, instead of buying that red bull to try and stay up all night to study (but eventually crash) you could take my Mental Edge supplement, and get lasting natural energy.

4. Based on feedback, I believe that customers would find this product valuable simply because focusing in today’s society is an ongoing problem. ADD or ADHD is extremely overprescribed so students or working people can get their hands on something to help them concentrate, but these prescribed drugs can have bad side effects and addictive qualities.

5. I believe what sets this apart from other products is the Niche, and the fact that its natural ingredients instead of something like redbull or 5 hour energy.

Feedback Memo: From the feedback I’d say the five things I took away are as follows:
1) This isn’t going to be easy. The constructive criticism people left made me realize how hard this could actually be. The most important factor would be the ingredients used, so I would have to test many different variations to find the right one.
2) Up the dosage. When I originally wanted to charge $35 for a one month supply people thought that I should go for a 2 month supply instead.
3) Open up my market. I originally only thought I should focus on college students but some people advised me that I might want to open up the market and have a broader customer base.
4) Work hard. Several people commented about how competitive the supplement industry is, and it will be tough to break through and be a competitor.
5) Don’t give up. I also got positive feedback and reassurance that this product could actually work!


  1. Hey Keifer!
    I really like your idea and agree 100% because I always have trouble focusing and that's obviously going to cause problems in college. But, I would like to know more about what exactly your product would be made out of and how natural it would be? Also, what would set it apart from things like coffee or other caffeinated drinks? Check out mine if you want!

  2. Hello Keifer,

    I like your idea and I really respect that you're trying to go the organic/healthy way about it. As college students, we all look for study-aids such as coffee, energy drinks, nootropics, etc. Would it be something along the lines of extracting certain components of fruits/vegetables that aid to mental clarity, or something along those lines? I'm very interested in what your idea may bring, and it is very innovative.

    If you'd like, you can check out my blog here:

  3. Keifer,

    There is unquestionably a huge issue with ADD or ADHD drugs in our society and the rate that they are prescribed. These drugs are extremely harmful and need a natural alternative. The struggle however is creating a product that actually works. I have seen several vitamins and pills that have been advertised to increase mental capacity, but none have seen to take off. I think possibly the way to attempt this business would be to angle your idea as a innovative vitamin that helps overall day to day function rather than a ADD ADHD replacement.
    Here’s the link to my post

  4. Hey Keifer!
    I agree that some extra brain power would be something that no student would pass up. It sounds like a wonderful idea and prospective company. I do suggest however, that in #2 you clarify the distinction between your supplement and something such as Adderall which essentially has the same function. I think it's important to make that distinction very obvious because how would your market know to choose your product from theirs? What would make your's standout? I did read the part of it being a natural supplement, but if that is the secret ingredient then make sure to highlight and really emphasize that what makes your product so great is that it is purely natural and free of chemicals. Either way great job and I'm sure you'll perfect this idea! As a fellow blogger, check mine out:
