Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Secret Sauce

1. Human capital that I have that I feel that is truly unique is my level of motivation, interpersonal skills, drive to succeed, level head, and the overall enjoyment I have for life. I feel that my motivation is at a level higher than the average person. I am self motivated and don’t have to come up with reasons why I do something, or reasons why I can’t. When I want to go the the gym and have work all day, I wake up at 4am and go. My interpersonal skills I also feel are better than normal. I am good at reading a person’s mood, and most of all I’m a good listener (which is something that is rare in todays society). I’m good at making people feel like they’ve known me forever. My drive to succeed is high. I know a lot of people I go to school with who will have an exam or other things they need to do and will instead go out partying or do something fun. When I have something I want to succeed in I don’t let everyday things like that get in the way. Although I’m not afraid to fail, I do whatever it takes to succeed. My level head is something that I feel that most people my age, or even older, do not possess. The other day I was in bank of America and a customer started being rude to the bank manager and the manager immediately got angry right back and was yelling at the customer, and clearly let his emotions get in the way. With me, I am good at looking at the big picture and realizing why people act the way they do. For example, a lady at work the other day started screaming at me, and instead of getting mad I just sat back and said, "she must be having a really rough day to be acting like this," and just sat there calmly while she yelled. And finally, I feel that my overall enjoyment of life is a huge plus in my human capital. Being morose or complaining about work all day does nothing but bring other people around you down, and it also shows whenever you speak to your customers. Whenever I am doing something, I look at it as a learning experience and instead am just happy to be doing what I’m doing, and realize that other people would love to do what I’m doing. Keeping this attitude helps me greatly as I go about my life, and I feel sets me apart from others.

3. I feel that the way I see myself and how others see me is relatively similar. They gave me compliments about my drive, as well as my interpersonal skills and my positive attitude. I was actually very pleased with what everyone had to say about me (even though they are my friends and family). Going back over from what I wrote about my secret sauce and what my friends and family have to say I wouldn’t change a thing. These are truly my qualities that set me apart from others.


  1. Keifer,

    It seems like everyone has really great things to say about you. I can tell you, being in customer service for 14 years, nothing can replace being able to talk to people. You can train anyone to do a job, (most of the time), but you can't teach someone to enjoy people. I think it's truly one of the reasons I'm so successful. I can start a conversation with a complete stranger and over time, build a positive rapport. This is a skill that you have or you don't. It'll certainly be useful to you.

  2. Keifer,
    I love how pretty much all of the people in the videos had something to say about how driven you are. I think that is such an important quality in a person but especially in the business world. We are people who really need great personal skills and a strong drive and it sounds like you have both of those things. Check out mine at
