Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Week 11 Reading Reflection

1. What stood out to me in this reading is that there is a strategy to innovation. When I think of innovation, I think of people just concentrating on new products or ideas to better a company, which to me doesn’t seem strategical at all. My mind changed after reading this article and realizing that major companies like Bristol-Myers use strategic innovation to come up with new target markets.

2. One thing that was confusing to me was why certain successful strategies that are known to work, wont work for every company. It seems like when something works, you should stick to it, and that other companies will copy it. But according to this article, each business is different, and the different innovation strategies won’t work for everyone. This just confused me because it steps outside my normal way of thinking, but it also makes sense after delving more into the subject.

3. I would ask the author if he Knows Donald Kuratko! This article is very similar to chapter 3 in the book “Entrepreneurship” by Donald Kuratko. It talks about innovation and entrepreneurship/intrapreneurship in corporate business, which is essentially what the HBR article talks about as well.

4. There was nothing in this article that I directly disagreed with, and I felt it was well written and easy to understand. The only thing I didn’t originally agree with was the topic from question 2 that I thought was confusing, but after reading more about it and thinking about why he says what he does, it made more sense.

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